Our Purpose and ESG Strategy
Our approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) is an integral part of our strategic imperatives and operating priorities. It is deeply embedded in our vision, mission and values as an organization. We seek opportunities to continue making life at home, in our communities and in our operations better today and in the future.
Improving Life at Home Through:

Our Products
We work to develop innovative, reliable products with both the needs of consumers and the planet in mind.
Our People and Communities
We value diverse thoughts, ideas and people, and strive to support our employees and communities in which we live and work.
Our Plants and Operations
We deliver operational excellence, focusing
on the safety of our employees and responsible use of resources in
manufacturing our products.

Our Governance
We are committed to operating sustainably and creating long-term value through the highest standards of ethical conduct.
In Conversation With Our Sustainability Leaders
Pam Klyn, Executive Vice President of Corporate Relations and Sustainability and Beat Stocker, Senior Director of Global Sustainability reflect on 2024 and the importance of sustainability to Whirlpool Corporation.
Executive Vice President
of Corporate Relations
and Sustainability
Senior Director of Global Sustainability

When you’re an industry leader with a global reach, big commitments that signal your priorities and values matter. We were the first appliance manufacturer to set an emissions reduction target — pursuing Net Zero in our plants and operations by 2030. We are making great strides in reducing scopes 1 and 2 market-based greenhouse gas emissions with three consecutive years of double-digit emissions reduction. Other key accomplishments support this commitment, including achieving 97% or higher landfill diversion rate in all of our large manufacturing sites worldwide. Because of the commitment of past and present leaders, our teams and the organization as a whole, sustainability and our business are interwoven — shaping our portfolio, enhancing stakeholder engagement and earning strong ESG ratings and industry awards.
Our House+Home strategy drives intentional collaboration with organizations that align with the mission and vision of our company and the Whirlpool Foundation. We increasingly seek initiatives that combine the social and environmental aspects of sustainability, such as Habitat for Humanity’s BuildBetter with Whirlpool program to build climate-resilient and energy-efficient homes that go far beyond the efficient appliances we put in them. This builds on our 25-year relationship with Habitat for Humanity International in an exciting new way.
We also deepen our impact by taking a hands-on approach in addition to providing expertise and financial resources. A great example is our new relationship with The Washing Machine Project, in which we are not only providing funding but also helping to design, assemble and deliver thousands of manual washing machines to global communities and households in need.
One important target is Net Zero in our operations, so we are prioritizing levers to accelerate emissions reductions and investments in renewables. With emissions reductions in our operations and beyond, we are determined to drive long-term, meaningful change, even when it means choosing the tougher path. For instance, to tackle the complex area of scope 3 emissions, we continue to build our capacity to quantify and reduce emissions from products in use, while not backing off on the level of performance we are committed to delivering to consumers. We will continue to explore opportunities that enable product emissions reductions while meeting the high standards consumers expect from us.
Over the past century, the external landscape has shifted many times. Through it all, we have remained true to our value of Integrity — making decisions that support our people and planet today and in the future. Our former CEO, Bud Gray, put it well when he opened our first Office of the Environment in 1970: “We cannot separate our business from the communities in which we operate, and hope to grow and prosper.” Guided by those words, we continue working to make our operations, supply chain and products more sustainable — with no shortcuts or excuses. This is the Whirlpool way and has been for more than 110 years.
Material Topics and ESG Reporting
Material Issues1 and Stakeholder Engagement
Through our ESG Governance structure, we monitor industry trends, regulatory developments and the risks and opportunities of emerging issues. We formally assess ESG topics as part of our annual Enterprise Risk Assessment survey. Further, through formal and informal methods, we hold ongoing dialogue and engagement with our stakeholders — including consumers, employees, investors, trade partners, suppliers, regulators, community members and more — to help us understand and address impacts, risks and opportunities to better serve them.
In 2024, we collaborated with a third-party consultant to develop a double materiality assessment in alignment with the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). We will use the assessment’s results to inform our disclosures for the fiscal year 2025 reporting cycle. Our previously identified ESG material topics and disclosures, identified below, are generally consistent with the preliminary results of the assessment.
Our Material Topics2
Very High Impact
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Innovation and Design for Sustainability
- Product Safety and Quality
- Responsible Sourcing
- Materials Use and Impacts
- Circular Economy
- Energy Management
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Inclusion and Diversity
- Local Communities
High Impact
- Corporate Governance and Ethics
- Water Management
- Waste Management
- Employee Engagement and Workplace Culture
- Cybersecurity
- Customer Privacy
- Human Rights
- Labor Rights
- Training and Development
- Regulatory Risks and Public Policy
Medium Impact
- Environmental Compliance
- Anti-Corruption
- Economic Performance
- Anti-Competitive Behavior
- Climate Risk
- Biodiversity
- Risk Management and Resilience
- Product Marketing and Labeling
- Pay and Equal Remuneration
- Product Access

Materiality Assessment Approach
Assess the Universe of ESG Topics
Gather input from company materials, global ESG standards, frameworks and regulations, peer and industry leader reports and our external advisory team.
Obtain Feedback and Prioritize
Conduct interviews and surveys with internal and external stakeholders and assess industry guidance to narrow the list of possible topics based on our ability to influence and drive impact.
Review Changes and Finalize
Review and validate the prioritization of ESG material topics by key functional and regional leadership and subject matter experts. Obtain approval of assessment results by senior leadership, including members of the Executive Committee.
Ongoing Engagement
Assess emerging issues and shifts in prioritization through regular engagement with ESG Councils and Task Force. On an annual basis, our ESG priorities are approved by senior leadership, including members of the Executive Committee.

Refer to the 2024 appendix for our GRI, SASB, UN SDG and TCFD disclosures.
Refer to the Whirlpool corporate site for our previous Sustainability Reports.
ESG Reporting
Our approach to ESG reporting is informed by engagement with our stakeholders and assessment of external frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Universal Standards, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Further, as we navigate the rapidly evolving and complex space of ESG regulations, we have begun to assess the alignment of our reporting with the European Union’s CSRD, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) sustainability disclosure standards and other regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
- "Materiality,” as used in this report and our ESG materiality assessment process is different, and in many ways more expansive, than the definition used in the context of filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Based on the ESG materiality assessment completed by a third-party consultant in 2022 using the GRI’s Material Topics 2021 standard (GRI 3). In certain areas, Whirlpool Corporation chooses to report on topics beyond those identified as material. For more information, please refer to the Forward-Looking Statements section of this report.